
One Upers.

So we all have that friend. The one that wants to be the new kid on the block. The coverpage of instyle. The one that has this, the one that has that. The go to guy. The flawless friend. The perfection...THE ONE UPER.

Here are some trademark one uperisms:
You come home with some new kicks, and then next thing you know they are zooming down alder street to the next shoe store to get the same kicks, but in a different color. One Up One.

You get a new macbook, everyone is in awe "omg is that aluminum" "oh yes it is!"...your friends computer "crashes" she gets the same one...yours is no longer as bright and shiny... its rusted...One Up Two.

You die your hair a certain color, it looks great, people love it, your the new covergirl of your friends, then your friend goes and dies their hair...yours is no longer as golden.. as fresh. One Up Three.

You have this really tight volvo its yours, its your baby, your second boyfriend. Then your friend gets a new car, she wants the volvo. WTF...One up FOUR.

Then this is my favorite one uper ever.

You get a blog. People think you are actually witty for the first time in your life. They bookmark it. They read it. Sometimes...they EVEN comment. Then journalism major, perfect punctuation friend comes along...gets a BLOG...adds pictures....ONE UP FIVE.

The first crush.

During summer I have been running on the track of a highschool. During this time the football team is always practicing and it brought me back to thinking about my first crush, and it made me laugh thinking about this.

In fifth grade I sometimes would have the oppurtunity to walk by the highschool and I remember that I would see a cute ninth grader and be obsessed with him. He is the one with the basketball shoes (even though he doesn't even play). Holding a gatorade. Ipod in his ears. Trying to be tight. We will call him the "freshman founder" he is the founder of the crush, you know the first apple of your eye.

Then you get to eighth grade things are more practical. You like the boy thats in your grade. The most popular one. He won't give you the time of day. If he likes you he sends you texts, but he won't talk to you. He is the one with the three inches of boxer shorts showing. The abercrombie tee shirt. Flip flops with socks. He is the one down at the basketball courts at lunch, he looks like he is great at sports probably because he stands in the exact same spot and makes most of his shots. We will call him the "eighth grade god". You get to dance with him at the school dance two feet apart, but its still great.

Then you get to highschool, and there is that senior. Hes great at sports, great dresser, ladies man, and really nice. We will refer to him as the "Senior Sweetheart" whoever gets to date him is so lucky. They will probably be prom queen/prom king. Jealous.

I realized during these footballers playing how funny it is to look at the freshman founder, eight grade god, and senior sweetheart. When they say looking at things in hindsight puts things into perspective it really does.

I'm still banking on my college cashout though. Yea this is the guy I meet who I marry, who is successfull, and helps me cashout with love and money :)


Qdoba VS Chipotle

It used to be Pepsi VS Coke. Nike VS Adidas. Mac VS Hp. McDonalds VS Burger King. Oregon State VS U of O. The battle of the fraternal twins. Who wins? It always differs the 50/50 split.

Today I found another fraternal twin pair. Qdoba VS Chipotle. Before this year I had never had either. They were legends though. Qdoba for their queso. Chipotle for their great meat. I feel like I am a great judge of which one was better because I had never been exposed to either burrito ever before in my life. My taste buds had never been tempted. And my bias had not been created.

The winner in my mind goes to....

They are both equal. I feel like the people who work at Qdoba are nicer, and their salsa tastes better. But chipotle won the mean catagory really good meat. Recycable dishes, and really good diet coke.

On another note...its finals week. I hate finals week, becuase finals week means I need to pack. I can't pack. I spent 35 dollars on boxes today. Which puzzles me why they are so expensive. I also didn't realize I needed tape to make my boxes, so then I got upset. Now i'm just stressed, but at least I had a great burrito.


The first date...

First Dates. First hellos. First impressions. First mistakes. To me these all fit under the same category and can't be described with a word better then awkward.

A couple of girls in my house have gone on dates recently, usually I sit in the T.V room and secretly wish that I was them, actually its not secret. I let them know how jealous I am.

Today was especially rough when a girl in my house went on a date because the bachlorette was on T.V so instead of watching a girl go on a date with one guy, I flipped on the television to a girl going on a date with thirteen...cool.

I tried to offer advice of what to say, what to do, how to act, what to order. All of my ideas were shot down so fast. I wanted to let all the girls know that I have experience with first dates. Just not second dates.

So I thought I would blog my advice for anyone who wants to go on a great FIRST date.
1) NEVER WAVE....your to eager when you first open the door if you wave you could look spastic, which could look weird, which is never good.
2) Make you sure have practiced your laugh and that your throat is cleared before you think something funny could be said, because you could sound weird, which again is never good.
3) When your order think color. Lets just say LIGHT equals RIGHT..your teeth are light, dark food into light teeth does not look tight.
4) Don't go in for the hug, but angle your body so you could be hugged. If your arms are crossed and he goes in for the hug things could get awkward, and you could accidentally hit him or hurt him which would be bad.
5) Have fun, the key to everything.

Hopefully the girls in my house will get to go on second dates. I won't be able to offer my advice, but I will get to help them get ready.



I know three blogs in one day is a little bit ridiculous, but there are just so many thoughts on my mind.

Last night a couple of friends of mine (honorable mentions: Sarah Lynch, Lauren Rouza, Hana Katen, Jeremy Wearn, Laura Shanks, Morgan Ostrander, Erin Cooney, and Eric Kulling) were standing in a church parking lot (sarah lynch) and were talking about the night, things to be thankfull for, prayer circles...no big deal. Witnessed a car accident aka hit and run...big deal. When some sketchos stopped by...

These sketchos were your typical freshman crowd. The ones that love bush light by the gallon, wear the back pack with the booze, and get enthused by really lame things.

They come up to us because they think that there is a fight. They ask JW about the fight, he has no idea what they are talking about. I guess that they thought a bunch of girls were fighting, and watned to watch because how TIGHT is that...its not tight...its another freshman myth that girls fighting is cool.

We already thought the situation was weird enough when we looked down and saw that one of the guys was wearing JEAN SHORTS....checked the calendar again jean shorts expired in 1990, a year after I was born, and are so not tight. We have nick named jean shorts jorts, and my goal in life is to rid the world of male jorts.

Things learned yesterday evening:
a) jorts are NOT tight.
b) girls fighting is NOT tight.
c) ULIS is the perfect ending to the night.
d) The trifecta costs 6 dollars, but is worth way more.
e) the guy at seven eleven is really rude.

Bird chirps.

Laying in bed the past couple nights I have developed an interesting way of telling the time without looking at a clock. I know you are all on the edges on your seats right now. I hope this wasn't developed by ancient tribes in the past because I feel I'm going to copyright my idea it will be known as "the cheapest clock in the world"

I usually get into bed around 10 P.M. At this time I hear birds chirping. I call this chirp the "fairytale chirp". Its so peaceful and musical and puts me straight to sleep.

Around 2 A.M I get woken up to a more harsh chirp. I call this chirp the "food chirp". This is when the birds are starting to fight about where they are going to get their bread crumbs. I know at this time that I have about seven more hours of sleep.

6 A.M. I call this the "hell chirp". I don't know what these birds are doing but they are getting into huge arguments and its probably the worst noise that I have ever heard. Sometimes when I'm really irritated I tell the birds to "shut up" It does not work, but it never hurts to try.

10 A.M..this is the "vacation chirp". The birds are really quiet at this time, so I think that they are all on a vacation.

And the cycle starts over at 10 P.M

So ditch your swatches, and Rolexs and rely on mother nature.

The adventure to my cell phone...

So I woke up on Saturday morning. Not a cloud in the sky. Perfect temperature. Did my usual morning routine. Washed my face, brushed my teeth, listerined, and went down to get a glass of water. Sat in the T.V room to catch up on the night before, and then a couple minutes later realized I did not have my cell phone. DUN DUN DUN.

I was calm for the first hour of my search. Went through my entire closet, bed, bathroom, kitchen, couches, rooms I had not even entered that day. NO PHONE.

Then I decided a fresh pair of eyes would help my search. So I had people look for me, same routes, looking in places for the second time. still NO PHONE.

Then I started to cry which by the way helped the situation not even a little. Took a nap for about three hours, and woke up again to start my search.

Looked everywhere again. Went through pockets of all my clothes, went through every cupboard, drawer, bowl. NO PHONE.

Decided that my phone was officially lost in my own house. Got a ride to the Verizon Store. Started to file a claims report, but then realized I didn't have a fax machine and thought it would be ridiculous to get a new phone, my phone had to be in my house.

A night goes by. No phone. No goodnight texts. No phone calls. Nothing.

A nights passed..."Casey we think we have found your phone" I got out of bed faster than Christmas morning. Run downstairs. "We think your phone is in the trashcan..."

I already had searched through a trash can the night before, and had no luck, so my morale was very faded. But...

IT WAS THERE!!!! My precious black little cell phone, was in the trash..disgusting. I have lysol wiped it about 400 times.

My phone was not only on SILENT, but it was on silent with alarm. I had an alarm set that I did not know about, and have never been so happy and relived in my entire life other than getting into college.

Special shout out to Yasi who heard the vibration. I'm buying her dinner.

11 unread texts 30 missed calls...no biggie.


House Hold Pranks

So a tradition in greek life is to steal. Yea not illegal or anything. From composite pictures to captain crunch cereal (alicia walcher) stealing is the in thing to do.

This week things got a little crazy though. I will break it down day by day.

Day One) The dream team (my sorority) steals a composite and a sign from SAE.
Morning After) A rotting cows tounge is on our porch (yes...disgusting)

Day Two) Dream team comeback steals from not only ONE fraternity, but SIX.
Things stolen: composites, pictures, trophys, ping pong paddles...captain crunch cereal, and cheesey bagels.
Morning After) nothing seems to have happened.

Day Three) Watermelon is thrown on my sorority's property, as well as a sofa (thank you sigma chi)
Morning After) nothing

Day Four) Hell breaks loose. Egging. Fire Escape. No need to explain more.
Morning After) House mom goes wild, cops are threatened to be called....GAME OVER.

on a less illegal note find your sister a mister was last night. I was water ( I tapped dasani wrappers to my body) my date was a Waiter. He was great. There are some other couples though that were not as ideal lets explain them.

Team K---Burger King, Kiss. Perfect combination it seems like right...NOPE. Burger King had some jealousy issues aka following kiss around. Burger King got way to intoxicated lets just say...it was not that good, and there was no kiss at the end of the night.

Team V---dates matched great..but a fight about the lakers broke out, and the V guy was bitch slapped...yes we are back in seventh grade.

Honorable Mentions:
Team S-shasta and santa clause..great holidays..great minds thinking alike. team work. love it.
Team A- artist and anchor. Artist got a little too drunk and raged. Anchor way to support our sororitys model.
Team O- alchohol was stolen. Ocean cried (water...how appropriate) Ozzy Ozbourne got punched...not ok.

Great Idea...Executed wonderfully...will happen again next year.


My allergies to glitter.

Ok so this year during sorority recruitment I got asked to help with the arts & crafts to bedazzle our house. I declined stating that I had medical conditions so I could not help, but I would be willing to offer my assistance elsewhere. Everyone thought I was crazy....but little do they know.

Today I was working in a little room in my house on a 21er book (more details later) when I got glitter in my eye. I started sneezing, squinting my eyes, scratching my face, I almost stopped breathing (well thats a hyperbole) but you get what I'm saying. I knew that my allergies existed all along.

Its not just glitter I am allergic to, its glue as well. One I hate glue it sticks(obviously) but it also just gets everywhereee. I always glew something and the whole day my hands are sticking together, sticking to things, just making messes. It also iritates my palms.

With this said. I am going to say goodbye to arts and crafts and stick to the clean stuff.

Find your sister a mister is tomorrow. I'm kind of nervous. Oh well.


I always flip to the last page.

So quarantine has been pretty lonely. Just watching a lot of television, studying for finals, ya da ya da ya da.

But today I came across this weird but accurate fact about myself. I always flip to the last page. If I'm reading a book, and it comes to an interesting point, I will flip ahead to find out what happens.

This doesn't just happen in books though. Today during the Bachlorette something crazy happened in the trailer for next week so instead of just waiting till next monday at nine....who would? I googled for about thirty minutes to find out just what happened. Then when I found out I just kept finding more about future episodes, so pretty much I know who wins the bachlorette. Don't worry...I won't tell unless you pay me.

I am hearing M.I.A playing for my window, I just checked my calendar to make sure it was 2009, because that song definatly expired last spring.

Not much is new on my end, alot of coughing, sneezing, sleeping. Just keeping it real.


To be there but not there...

So today I got sent into quarantine in my sorority house aka the guest room. Because I have a sinus infection and strep throat....joy.

I've realized while sitting in here that I am in my sorority right now, but not really at the same time....quite puzzling. I even have my own bathroom. Its pretty suave.

No one knows I'm in here except for a few people, its kind of nice, but worrisome at the same time because no one has sent me any "where are you" text messages, and no amber alerts have been issued.

I've been goggling my illness' on web MD all night trying to find a miraculous cure...there is not one.

I'm right now going to watch last weeks episode of the bachlorette and live vicariously through her.

Let us pray for my immune to get better...